Чим відрізняється PE від кевлара


1. The manufacturing methods of fabrics are different

PE is a type of fabric that has undergone special treatment, and its performance requirements vary depending on the application field of the fabric. Therefore, for some fabrics with special requirements, special glue can be dissolved in water or other solvents under high temperature, and then evenly coated on the surface of the fabric. Finally, the glue can be fixed on the surface of the fabric by oven baking and other methods, which becomes PE fabric. Keff Lamian Noodles material is a kind of aramid, which belongs to synthetic fiber fabric.

2. There are also significant differences in fabric performance

PE fabric, due to special processing, has a thick adhesive layer on its surface, which is excellent in wind and water resistance, and is commonly used to make winter clothing such as windbreakers. Kev Lamian Noodles material itself contains molecules of benzene ring, with stable chemical properties, abrasion resistance and tear resistance, and has good protection against acid and alkali.

What is the difference between PE and Kevlar

PE is a type of plastic polyethylene. You must have asked about PE silk, which is not resistant to high temperatures, flame retardancy, and low strength. Kevlar is a carbon fiber, and none of the above three properties can be compared to PE.

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